
#Homemade Ghee

Basics of Baking

I know many of us like to bake simply without any reason. May be it would have been a relaxing therapy for some of you or joyful moment for some of you. I have learned few basics of baking techniques in my baking course, some I learnt from my failed (also from my many burnt cakes 😁) experiences and few from Internet. So I thought of sharing it with you all what I learnt and why it happened so that it will be helpful for you to identify the reasons. Hope this page will be useful for you to create your own baking recipes successfully later. Lets go......😊

Basic Ingredients and its Uses

Baking Powder
It is basically made from Cream of tartar and starch, baking powder is a leavening agent, which causes your batter to rise. It has a built-in acidic ingredient, so  you don’t need to add anything else like baking soda. Too much baking powder results in a bitter tasting product and too little results in a tough cake with little volume.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, and needs to be paired with an acidic ingredient like honey, chocolate or yogurt. Like baking powder it is also a leavening agent. When you use too much then you will end up with foamy or coarse cake.
As a solid fat, butter is better suited for baking than any other fat product. Butter in particular adds flavour with a melting point just below body temperature which is why some cookies and baked goods tend to “melt in your mouth.” It also helps in leavening and adds moisture.
This ingredient has multiple purposes depending on the type of dish it is being used in. Cornstarch is usually either a thickener or a binder  but can also be an anti-caking agent. It’s great to use in gluten-free cooking instead of flour to thicken sauces, custards or for cake fillings.
Eggs do a lot in baking, but most importantly they are a leavening agent (adding volume) and a binding agent, meaning they keep the finished product together. You can use the whole egg for flavour, binding, thickening or glazing.You can also use egg whites and egg yolks for separate things. Egg whites are a drying agent, add moisture and stability. Egg yolks contribute to texture and flavour. Always use large eggs than the medium or small size. If not adjust the number of eggs in the recipe according to their sizes. 
Flour holds ingredients together in baking. When flour protein is combined with moisture and heat, it develops into gluten. Different types of flours have different levels of protein, which are suitable for various baked goods. Gluten free flours can also be used which is of your choice. All purpose flour is the good choice for almost all kinds of baking dishes.
The protein in milk softens, contributes moisture and adds colour and flavour to baked goods. It gives the dough or batter strength and structure, as well as adds tenderness, flavour and moisture.
Salt does a couple different things in baking. Firstly it helps to preserve the colour and flavour of flour. In bread it controls of the fermentation rate of yeast and strengthens the gluten protein in dough. Secondly salt helps to also enhances flavour of the sweet products. 
In any given recipe, sugar is performing a number of functions you’re probably not aware of. It adds texture like keeping your baked foods soft and moist. It is also yet another leavener, though working in conjunction with fat, eggs and liquid ingredients. Sugar sweetens by caramelising and adds that crispiness to the crusts of cakes and cookies.

How to measure your ingredients using cups and spoons?

Baking always need precise measurements either in grams or in cups for better result. If you have a food weighing machine to measure the ingredients then it is fine. If you do not have weighing machine, then you can measure using cups but in a correct way. I have given some idea of measuring different types of ingredients. Follow this same measuring techniques even in your cooking recipes.
  • Dry ingredients are measured in flat topped measuring cups. Be sure to fill them to the top and then level off the extra with a knife. Do not try to press or stuff the ingredient into the cup.
  • Liquid ingredients are measured by pouring it till the edge of the cup. Do not substitute liquid and dry measuring cups for one another, your ingredient measurements will be inaccurate if you do.
  • Butter is also measured in flat topped measuring cups. Be sure to fill the room temperature or soften butter to the top and then level off the extra with a knife. 

Before Baking

You should do some default things before starting your baking. So I have listed out the points to do, which I learnt during the course.
  • Room temperature ingredients - It is very important to have all your ingredients at your room temperature to get a better result. You can also use the cold items but the breakdown process takes longer or sometimes the process would not be done properly while baking.
  • Choose your utensils - You should first choose your correct sized utensil for what you are going to bake, to avoid overflowing of your dish in the oven while baking.
  • Coat the mould - For cakes you should coat your mould first either covering with baking sheets or with butter and flour. I would recommend you to apply the butter to your mould first and do the flour dusting just before pouring your batter into the mould which helps to demould your cake easily. Not at the beginning because when you do it initially, then the butter may absorb the flour in some places of your mould, so it may end up with uneven demoulding of cake from the mould.  
  • Preheat your oven - It is always important to keep your oven heated to the required temperature before placing your cake inside the oven. This will help the batter to rise properly, spread the heat evenly and give a defined texture for the cake.
  • Proper mixing of ingredients - When you add your ingredients do it in step by step process. Add your dry ingredients in a separate bowl and sift it for 2 times. Add wet ingredients in a separate bowl and mix them well. Then combine your dry and wet ingredients in 2 or 3 batches. These steps will ensure that the ingredients are combined well. Mix butter and sugar together first until creamy. Do not over mix. Then add eggs one by one and mix well. Then any other wet ingredients if you like to add go-head in this stage. Then mix it with dry ingredients. Do not over mix the batter.
About Yeast Activation

As you all know that we use yeast for making any kind of breads. You need appropriate temperature for yeast to get activated. Here are few points to remember before you start your bread baking.
Sugar is the very good friend of yeast which helps yeast to activate. Important to note that salt is the enemy for the yeast in the sense that you should not add salt directly in contact with yeast because it kills the yeast. Yeast needs a warmer temperature for its activation, not too cold or too hot environment. So it goes like this. 

Liquid at 95°F (35°C ) + Sugar +  Dry yeast or Fresh yeast = Activation

Add yeast, liquid and sugar together and keep it aside. If you see a frothy or bubbly mixture on the top surface of the liquid then your yeast is activated, if not it means your yeast is killed because of improper temperature of liquid. If you do not have a thermometer to measure your liquid temperature, do not worry. Quite easy technique is there which I learned in the class. 
  • Pour your warm liquid in a bowl.
  • Place your one finger inside by touching the bottom of the bowl. The liquid should be slightly hot which you can bare it.
  • Count 1..2..3..4..5..Till this count you should able to bare the heat. Then it is warm enough to add your yeast and sugar. If it is hot obviously your finger will feel it and you will pull your finger out.


Any bread baking needs basics of these methods to be followed. All these steps are mandatory to get the better result. All you need in this is patience. You need to wait longer to enjoy your good baked bread. Initially when you are practising you may go wrong in the kneading part. But it is totally fine, practices makes you perfect. Methods in detail will be explained directly in the recipe itself. So these are the methods, 
  • Yeast activation
  • Flour mixing
  • Kneading
  • Proofing
  • Shaping 
  • Double proofing 
  • Baking at correct temperature
  • Cooling and storing

I have given an overview of very basic concepts in this page. But baking is a huge concept area where it involves lot more techniques and ideas. If you have any questions or doubts please do let me know in the comment section. It will be always my pleasure to help you out. I hope it might be helpful for you when you bake. Plan to surprise your family and friends.

  Lets do it ...............Love yourself ..............Trust yourself  🙋
